
Bangus Health Benefits

Breakfast meeting every first and third Saturday of the month of the Fellowship of Christian Businessmen and Professionals, here in Surigao City, held at the Philippine Gateway Hotel. My favorite breakfast is always fried bangus w/ egg and 1 cup of Rice for P120. Bangus or Milk Fish is our national fish, the scientific name is Chanos-chanos, this salt-water fish is a good source protein, vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, Calcium, Iron, saturated fat, calories and Omega3, it is also low in sodium, but it is also high in cholesterol, so just be conscious in the amount of serving when eating bangus.  I suggest, when you want to fry, cook it with low fat oil, like vegetable oil, and canola oil, these are hearth healthy oil and may not increase the cholesterol content. Also consider to cook it in other ways like grilling, broiling and steaming.

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  1. enak nya...

