
Things to do to prevent dengue

Dengue is one of the common diseases in tropical countries like Philippines, Taiwan, Mexico and Africa. In the United States of America, people got infected with dengue while they are on travel, and or living near Mexico border.

To stop the breeding of mosquitoes we must eliminate all stagnant water, it will help to stop the Aedes mosquito to breed, regular cleaning of the places that are commonly breeding area of the mosquitoes, adding insecticide to water in flower vases and remove water from every other day, same with the flower pots; always check the water containers, if not in use, turn it over. 

When having a family vacation for a week and no one is left in our houses, we should consider some preventive measures like, checking the toilet bowls make sure it is properly close, seal the floor drains, and empty the flower vases, and properly cover other water containers.

Using mosquito nets at night will protect us from mosquito bites. Wearing long sleeves and long pants will also prevent mosquito bites, apply mosquito repellent when having outdoor activities like camping.   

Common places that mosquitoes will breed.

1. Roof  Gutters
2. Water basins, buckets , water-jar 
3. Gully traps
4. Concrete drains
5. Air-condition tray 
6. Flower pots, Flower vases
7. Ponds
8. Drains
9. Empty Containers
10. Thrown-out tires

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