Title: Muscular Back Pain: Causes & Treatment
Author: James Horner
Website: http://www.stopsweatingmagic.com/
Keywords: Muscular back pain
Back pain is more common than the common cold. It is estimated that four out of every five adults experience back pain. In some cases, the pain is a symptom of an underlying problem with an organ, such as the kidney or the bladder. In other cases, pain is felt due to a pinched nerve. Most cases, however, are due to muscular strain.
Muscular back pain is usually nothing to worry about. It is quite normal to experience back pain from time to time. It often means that your back muscles have been put under stress in one way or another. Many people, for example, report back pain upon waking. This usually means the way they slept strained their back. To remedy this, a person can choose to sleep flat on their backs but with a pillow under their knees in order to support the lumbar curve, or they can sleep in fetal position but with a pillow between their legs.
Other methods of treating muscular back pain include using a hot compress or a cold compress in the affected area. Minding one’s posture can also help lessen the strain. Exercising and taking time to relax each day should help if the back pain is due to stress. Finally, taking mild painkillers can also help, especially if the pain is making it difficult to do other activities.
If muscular back pain lasts longer than six weeks, it is recommended that you see a doctor. A general practicioner (GP) should be able to help you. There are many reasons why back pain can last this long, and your doctor is the best person to determine its cause, eliminating various possibilities until s/he comes to a conclusion as to what is causing the pain. Your doctor is also the best person to determine the best treatment for long term muscular back pain, also called chronic back pain. If it is not related to any underlying, more serious medical condition, treatment can involve exercise programs, therapy, and lumbar supports. More serious problems or pain may be addressed with injections or surgery and lasers.
Keep in mind that as you get older, back pain becomes more common. This is because when you get older, your joints begin to degenerate. The back is home to your spinal cord, which means it is home to A LOT of joints. Take preventive measures to care for your joints while you’re young in order to diminish the chances of you suffering from terrible back pain when much older.
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ReplyDeleteI consulted a seattle chiropractors because of suffering on my back pain. My back pain leads me to disorder in sleeping. Can you please help me more on this problem?
ReplyDeleteBest regards,
i suggest you should see your doctor about it. God bless