The ideal time to get vaccinated is between October and November. [1]The vaccine is made using dead flu viruses, for which reason it can never cause the illness in you. It can cause you mild symptoms, which affect 15-20% of patients and in rare cases causes fever or illness.
In the event of severe illness or fever over 39ÂșC, consult the nursing staff or pharmacist who normally deals with you, before getting vaccinated.
The vaccine is not advisable if you have suffered an allergic reac- tion to a previous dose or if you are allergic to any component of the vaccines, such as egg.
This vaccine protects against flu, but not against the common cold. There are no vaccines against colds.
Anti-flu vaccination is advisable if:
- You are a person with a high risk of suffering complications with flu.You are over 60 years old.
- You suffer from chronic disorders of the heart, bronchial tubes or kidneys.
- You are diabetic or your defences are reduced for other reasons.
You should also get vaccinated if:
- You are in the second or third trimester of pregnancy during the flu vaccination period.
- Anti-flu vaccination is advisable for children with chronic pulmonary or metabolic disorders and in peo- ple residing in institutions.
- You look after sick people at home you should also be vaccinated.
- People in contact with these high-risk groups and might pass flu on to them, and for people working in essential public services (such as health staff, fire- fighters, police, etc.)
[1] Generalitat de Catalunya Department de Salut
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